Cait Lamberton, MBA, PhD is the Alberto I. Duran Presidential Distinguished Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School. Her research covers a wide span, ranging from studies of the sharing economy, empathy in health care settings, to end-of-life decision-making. New work explores the concepts of marketplace dignity, identifying practical means by which firms can design in ways that affirm and respect individuals’ inherent worth. In recognition of her research contributions, Lamberton was named a Marketing Science Institute Scholar and received the American Marketing Association’s Erin Anderson Award, which is given annually to the field’s top female scholar and mentor. Her work has received the Association for Consumer Research’s Early Career Award, the Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award for contribution to marketing theory, the Kinnear Award for contribution to the understanding of marketing and public policy, and EBSCO’s Award for Responsible Research in marketing. She currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Outside her academic role, Lamberton has been retained in consulting roles by the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education, and has worked in an advisory role in the financial services and pharmaceutical industries. She has also taught at programs for service and medical professionals, identifying ways by which individuals at advanced career phases can apply behavioral knowledge to their practice and service. Lamberton holds an MBA and a PhD from the University of South Carolina.