The Wharton School and World Bank Group have formed a partnership, Ideas for Action Initiative (I4A), to focus on growing entrepreneurship in Africa by connecting young leaders all around the world to help find solutions to local problems. Host Dan Loney talks with Djordjija Petkoski, Co-Chair of I4A and Senior Fellow at Wharton’s Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research, and Michelle Jaffee, current senior at Wharton studying Operations and Social Impact and Responsibility and leader of the I4A Accelerator at Penn, to learn more about this initiative. Ariane Umuringa, Rwandan social entrepreneur and Founder of Starlight, also joins us to discuss her mission to reduce use of kerosene lamps in Rwandan villages, helped by I4A, on Knowledge at Wharton. Learn more at
with Djordjija Petkoski, Ariane Umuringa, and Michelle Jaffee